Manu gathered all his scientifically substantiated knowledge, years of research, and personal experience in the following e-books which he gladly shares with healer colleagues, like-minded people, those who are "seeking" in this life, and those simply curious looking for their “true self”.

Each book has its own title, but all books are part of the series carrying "In Me I Trust" as common title.

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First tell me more about The 7 Seals

Have you ever asked yourself the question why the pyramids of Giza have the “4 & 3”-shape they have, a square groundplan and triangular, upwards pointed sides? Have you ever asked yourself the question why so many spiritual-religious streams of humanity use(d) the number 7, including the current world religions (the 7 candles of the original Menorah, 7 Archangels, 7 times around the Kaaba, 7 main chakras, …)?

The question can also be put as follows: do you wish to experience and embody a Heaven on Earth?

After reading this book you will have deeper knowledge of the meaning of these 7; and above all what these mean for yourself and where you can find these in your very own being. Knowledge of these 7 allow you to experience that Heaven on Earth, on the condition you put into practice the knowledge. Become your own healer, know your own 7 “seals”. The book also contains meditation exercises for localising, visualising and experiencing these 7 aspects in yourself.

Number of pages: 86

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Tell me some more about Symbolism & Sacred Geometry

Have you ever heard of the so-called Sacred Geometry, with amongst others the symbol of the “Flower of Life” which can be found in many countries and time periods – going back as far as Ancient Egypt (Kemet) and possibly even further in time? Have you ever heard of the concept of “wu wei”, “doing by not doing”, “action through non-action”?

The question can also be put as follows: do you wish to know more on how you yourself co-create the reality you experience?

After reading this book you will be able to fathom a fundamental aspect of the world and of Life as such, or better, your world and your life, by understanding the underlying message and meaning of this symbolic. The book also contains descriptions of energetic structures in your being - i.a. your 7-layered being, as one of the 7's of the 777 message -, and helps you to gauge your own true nature and that of what we commonly call “Reality”. You co-create your reality, the one you are living. The book further contains some exercises to meditate on the insights or to apply these in your everyday life.

Number of pages: 96

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Tell me more about Duality at the Surface, Oneness underneath

Regardless your religious (non-)affinities, what does the figure of Jesus-Yeshua-Isa mean to you? What do you see in the picture of the crucified Christ which hangs in many a Christian church - what does this image signify to or arouse in you? And in the Calvary? You don’t have to be a Christian to understand and apply the messages of this symbolic, towards a liberated life. Did you know by the way that the sacred book of the Quiché Mayans, the Popol Vuh, shares many similarities with the sacred books of the Jewish faith and hence also the Christian Old Testament? The Mayans independently came to very similar descriptions and symbolic, curious how this was possible?

The question can also be put as follows: do you wish to be a more balanced person who instead of being pulled between two poles (feeling-thinking, being-doing, negative-positive, bad-good, anger-peace, etc.) can access both sides in life in a balanced way?

For a balanced life and all the positive this can bring you, in terms of inner peace, self-knowledge, true Love, etc. ?

After reading this book you will have insights into the duality, the dual aspects, which are present in your own being. You are a combination of all kinds of complementary opposites, determining how you live and experience your life. This book describes how you can (learn to) consciously balance these dual aspects using insights and messages contained in different spiritual-religious symbolic and stories. The message of the book is that only through the knowledge and the balancing of both poles can a human "enter Paradise". If you wish to live in “Paradise”, then you have to know this doesn’t concern a place but rather a level of Consciousness that every human can attain. Through our “talent” of (self-)consciousness we can direct ourselves… to a paradisiacal life. This book shows the way.

Number of pages: 125

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Tell me more about The Journey of Life, Part I & II

These two books draw the picture of what the most recent evolutions in human knowledge have delivered as to the birth of this Universe and… of the human race. You get an overview of what the sciences, as these have been developed in the Western world the past centuries, have discovered so far, from the birth of the Cosmos up to the day you are reading this book. In many cases the scientific knowledge of current times is a translation and rediscovery of what the “wise” of ancient times already had discovered, and tried to convey in symbolic. After reading Part I you will be able to converse about the beginning of this Universe, about the different models circulating these days on this topic, about our Solar system and its birth, and about life on Earth… up till today. Also about what separates you as a human being. After reading Part II you can put and approach the information contained in Part I in a broader perspective: philosophically and above all spiritually.

Part I gives you an overview of the most recent insights which humanity has acquired through the scientific way of thinking and analysis, mixed with what the sages of olden days already knew – things that are at least just as important to understand what Life, your life, is all about.

Part II contains the philosophical approach to the items of Part I. The WHY-question is not one to be answered by science. We have to look elsewhere for meaningful answers. This part of the book translates it all back to what it means for you, as a human, in a human society, part of the bigger whole which we call Nature, this Planet, this Planetary system, this Solar system, this Galaxy which we call the Milky Way, and this Universe.

Your place in all of this is… read the books.

Number of pages: Part I: 222 & Part II: 128

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And tell me more about In You you should trust

There are 2 things in Life which never ever lie, and those are your body and your life!

There are 3 insights which are extremely important for your life: 1) you co-create your reality, 2) everything in your life is your mirror, and 3) it is all ‘just’ a story, but nonetheless your story!

Read up on how I came to these insights in this book. Read it as an example of how a life – just like yours – can evolve once you look with open view and, above all, open mind at your experiences of life… and go in search of ever deeper layers of your identity, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom... and the end of many illusions, and hopefully, the Big Illusion. Everything around you is a mirror to look into; and that mirror indicates the state of your being. Embark on this story of discovery, not of distant destinations but of deeper destinations… inwards! 

On the road, initially without destination, and yet, leading to thé question of questions in Life. The answer to that? Read the book.

Number of pages: 169

You can consult the table of contents on Payhip, the digital bookstore  which you can access by clicking the link below.

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