Do you experience your life as a continuous stream of downs more than ups, irritations and disappointments... and you are looking to change this, to let go?
Trouble with circular thinking, always ending up at the same point... and you are looking to develop more servant and positive (thought) patterns? Having a hard time breaking old habits and patterns... and you are looking to effectively rid yourself of these? Difficulties getting over a break-up, a divorce, or having a difficult relationship with your (ex-)partner... and you are looking to stand firm in your power again? 
Have you lost your balance, not knowing how to redirect and brighten up your future... and you want to feel comfortable again in your own skin?
Having physical problems such as migraine, muscle pains, general fatigue... and you want to know what the root causes of this is?

>> ‘Who am I’ is the focal point and the essence of your life.

Manu is your sparring partner in this process of awakening and discovery. He doesn’t promise “quick fix” answers but rather a search for clues, insights and keys by looking together with you into the mirror of (your) life… to put you back into your own power. He makes you think outside your usual frames of reference and leads you back to your deeper intuition, triggering and stimulating your personal growth and development . It’s all about you, and how you (want to) construct your life going forward. Based on the principles of "mirrorology" developped by the Dutch writer and artist Willem de Ridder, of Taladoni Coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

>> Memories, experiences, emotions and thoughts can block you both literally as well as figuratively... but they can also broaden your perspective by which you - in a positive way - grow as a human being.

Manu is your unconditional sounding board for your questions about:

  • Identity re-discovery and increased self-knowledge
  • Countering and transforming blockages, obstacles, irritations, difficult moments
  • Relationship dynamics and empowerment
  • Physical health and health issues
  • Boosting core talents and self-confidence
  • How to lead a life that is closer to your talents
  • Acknowledging, accepting and using one’s fears, grief, anger, loss, doubts, turning towards happiness.

>> As your sparring partner Manu makes time and space for a “time-out”, for regaining your authenticity, and looking at the future in order to get closer and closer to your true self.

We cannot simply change your past - that was what it was -, but we can let go of its baggage and burden by redirecting your focus to the Here & Now, away from "the others" back to you. No talking for hours about painful memories or deeply entrenched frustrations, but instead an intense conversation with eyes wide open on the future.

>> Manu opts for an activating approach to get your energy moving.

Each session starts with your story. We look at your issues and map your overall health holistically. You tell your story, Manu listens actively exploring which issues and themes block your path of personal growth. Manu then applies the most appropriate healing technique depending on the issue presented, aimed at repairing the self-healing capacity of your body and/or dissolving the negative convictions, blockages and issues. You can choose from the different personal transformation journeys Manu offers; the number of sessions for physical issues will be agreed upon during the first session. Read up on the journeys.

Activate yourself for that energetic and positive life.



“Truly seeing that you regularly end up in the same situations is a big step. Understanding why you always end up in them, is something different. Manu gave me, through his knowledge and experience in life, a clear view on the answers to my questions. He does this in my experience at your pace and in the way best suited for you. For the more “proud” and rationally oriented people amongst us – like myself : it all comes with a scientific explanation if you want it, without Manu being judgmental or getting all woolly.”

Yannick from Ghent


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