Journey “Take flight”: towards a vibrant, positive and energised life

This journey takes you to the following milestones:

1) first 2 steps = 2 preparatory sessions, for more energy: 

one session with energetic cleansing using electromagnetism (~energetic cleaning) + one session for prepping your physical body and energetic system, and insertion of energetic treatment structures for the next 3 sessions (~energetic boost of your system);

2) next 3 steps = 3 sessions for the release of your 3 biggest relationships problems, for more joy in life and happiness: 

3 sessions for the transformation and release of the 3 heaviest blocking burdens in your life – differs from person to person, and hence to be identified in the personal coaching timeslot in each of the 3 sessions.

*Each session takes 2.5 hours... which seem to fly by, and which are also necessary :

1h for your personal life story and the analysis of the main blockages, to formulate the theme of the session in your own words, and 1.5h of treatment. We allow for at least 2 weeks between the different sessions, for processing and integration. During the talks about your life story you will also be handed the principles of Mirroring.


EUR 220 (incl. VAT) per session of 2.5 hours.


Activate yourself for that energetic and positive life.



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